They’re Colored In

This started as a simple experiment to arrange some photos in a new and interesting way on a page. It became an exploration of color and movement; and a pretty accurate look at how fragmented I can feel at times.

There is a lot of layering of mediums and color going on in this piece- I wanted each detail to stand out for itself. You find eye contact with the subject, submerged in a sea of shapes and movement - in a way making you aware that they know they’re in the midst of [beautiful] chaos.

This isn’t technically a self portrait in the literal sense- but a glimpse of an inner landscape - fluid, whimsical, overly self aware, reflective - thankfully a state of being and not permanence.

They’re colored in. They’re willing and able to be aware of the chaos. In fact, their reveling in, and embracing it. Or at least they are willing to try.


Be the Bigger Person